Friday Flickr Five

ramps sketch in pencil | simple pretty

So glad it’s Friday. Warmer weather is supposed to return today, and just in time, as my buddy has three (count ’em, three) soccer games this weekend. Guess what I’ll be doing?

On with the Five:

  1. Boat
  2. a little bokeh for your friday
  3. bird & pear
  4. Tami & The Dandelion Greens
  5. port bruce

I was inspired to sketch the ramps pictured at top after seeing this photo in New York magazine. I am so ready for the freshness replete with possibility that spring represents. Have a wonderful weekend. See you Monday ….


  1. April 9, 2010 / Permalink

    LOVE the sketch jane!!! how did i not know this talent of yours? :) xo

  2. April 9, 2010 / Permalink

    Have a great weekend Jane! Love your sketch!

  3. April 15, 2010 / Permalink

    this is gorgeous! i’ve had that photo ripped out and hanging on my fridge for months and months!