raoul textiles, santa barbara
Peggy Wong: where do I even begin? The woman is crazy talented. Not only does she produce some graphically exquisite paper products (and rugs and art direction), but I’ve long admired her photographic eye. Her tumblr photo blog, away, simply and delightfully captures the emotion in the places and spaces she visits. (I’m fortunate to count Peggy as a friend, and I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times that she’s showed me a picture she took with her cell phone that filled me with glee.) And so it was serendipitous that Peggy decided to launch a photography site, and with this new business, take her creativity in a fresh direction. Inspired by her summer travels in Europe, Peggy Wong Photography is a wondrous lens on her world. I’m so pleased to introduce Peggy’s new venture, as well as share her answers to my “Getting to know ….” series with you.
Getting to Know: Peggy Wong
I start my day …. by kissing my husband good morning. standing in the kitchen, with a cup of coffee in hand, and staring out the windows. i love the outdoors and am very lucky that our home is surrounded by trees, it’s like living in a treehouse!
Inspired by …. anything by fabien baron – especially his typography/editorial layouts for harper’s bazaar in the nineties. truly inspirational (and aspirational). black and white photography. architecture. jazz – the music and also designs that came out in the fifties. blue note records’ album covers by reid miles are my absolute favorites. museums – sometimes it’s not about the master pieces inside, it’s about the museums themselves. the second i step inside, i’m already inspired.
Favorite place …. maybe because i’m a pisces, i love being at sea. or any form of body of water for that matter. ocean, lake, river… one of my must-dos in hong kong every time i visit is to take the ferry ride across the harbour. favorite place of all? my parents’ home in upstate new york.
Never without …. my vintage cartier tank. and my mom’s three-gold cuff.
In the next 12 months, I hope to …. design and publish a book! with my photographs in it… :)
thanks, peggy! here’s to your hopes becoming reality. i’m counting on it :)
all images courtesy of peggy wong
I love Peggy and her photographs. I can’t believe the photos she takes with her cell phone. Simply unbelievable!
I love Peggy’s website, it was so nice to read your interview with her!
Thank you for sharing this interview. I only recently came across peggy’s blog but i absolutely adore her photos. Inspirational.
a woman of many talents. thanks for sharing the insight into her new work and her daily life.